DELKINA VOLLVERSAMMLUNG 2019, San Francisco Bay Area, 29. Juni – 3. Juli 2019
Die diesjährige DELKINA Vollversammlung fand in der San Francisco Bay Area statt. Den Hauptteil dieser Zeit verbrachten wir an der Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park. Der Campus war sehr grün und weitläufig und gut für Familien geeignet.
Das Thema dieser Vollversammlung war ‘Veränderungen’. Wie gehen wir als deutschsprachige Gemeinden und die DELKINA in die Zukunft?
Wir haben bestimmt, das die DELKINA in ihrer derzeitigen Form noch weiter fortsetzt wird.
Unsere Referentin und Gesprächsleiterin zum Thema ‘Transitons’ war Mary Stein-Webber, ist eine ordinierte Pastorin in der ELCA. Darüber hinaus ist sie eine Ehe- und Familienbaraterin und lehrt Seelsorge am Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley.
Recordings of the International Syposium: "Luther and Freedom Today" online
The Martin Luther Church of Toronto released three new recordings on their Youtube Channel. The videos were generated on the International Symposium "Luther and Freedom Today" which took place on the 14th October 2017 in Toronto's First Lutheran Church. The event was sponsored by DELKINA and the EKD. The three main talks from Volker Leppin, Deanna Thmpson and David Pfrimmer were recorded and are now available under the links set below.
Prof. Dr. Volker Leppin: Were the Peasants Wrong? Christian Freedom and Social Liberty
Prof. Dr. Deanna Thompson: Luthers 's Legacy - The Wild Space of Christian Freedom
Prof. Dr. David Pfrimmer: Martin Luther’s Contribution to Public Ethics Today
For questions, comments or feedback please send a direct message to Martin Luther Church or use the comment section below the videos.
German Revised Common Lectionary ready to order
The German Revised Common Lectionary can be ordered now.
Order Year A
Order Year B
Order Year C
Luther and the West
A new Northwestern University Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is now available for free on the internet. The course is called “Luther and the West” and offers an educational resource for this year’s celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The course is taught by Christine Helmer, who is an internationally known Luther scholar, and Professor of Religious Studies and German at Northwestern University in Evanston, USA.
This course is about the impact that Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, had on major ideas in the history of the west. You will encounter ideas such as freedom and slavery, biblical interpretation and anti-Judaism, politics and economics. In addition to Luther, you will meet important thinkers, such as Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, and Martin Luther King Jr.
The course includes 36 video lectures by Professor Helmer, in addition to many texts by Luther and others that you can download for free. You can connect with other learners in discussing the course material.
1st edition of German Revised Common Lectionary finished after 3 years
After 3 years of work, we have finally finished the first edition of the “German Revised Common Lectionary”, a German worship preparation resource for congregations who follow the three-year Revised Common Lectionary.
You can find here the Introduction, which describes the general parameters of the project. All original content was written in German, not translated, and particular attention was paid to variances in verse-numbering between the NRSV and the "1984 Luther Bibel" versions of the Bible. Readings are printed in full, with line breaks added to improve readability.
Here are the links to resources from Year A, Year B and Year C. At the top of each page you will find a link to the corresponding Table of Contents.
Each Sunday’s entry (available in Word and PDF files) has the following contents: Introduction to the Day, Psalm of the Day, Prayer of the Day, Readings, Prayers of Intercessions, References to the German Lectionary (for discovering online German sermons), and Hymn Suggestions.
We hope these resources will be helpful to you and your worshipping communities! We will begin revisions in January 2017 and hopefully publish in time for our biennial DELKINA Conference in October 2017.
This resource would not have been possible without the generous support of all individual members and member congregations. Thank you!
Rev. Sebastian Meadows-Helmer and Rev. Christian Ceconi,
October 2016